Hi there, first we know that we delay our introduction, but we have had a little problems with the site!
So, who are we… We are full-time traveling bloggers who love to explore the world and write about beautiful destinations and long trips! And we have no plans to stop doing this anytime soon…
Our blog (we made it with so much love and passion) is the place where we daily share captivating stories, beautiful photos, interesting videos and many travel trips that will be very useful to you when traveling!
If you are looking for more inspiration, strong motivation and want to challenge yourself before to hit the road, then check out our wonderful blog!
Before we start with what you’ll find in theplacetostay.co.uk, let’s tell you something more about us…
We are crazy about holidays and adventurous trips! We want to see amazing destinations, to meet interesting people and to help other holidaymakers to do the same…
When we have started to write about travels, it was just a hobby. But then, we realized that it would be great if we dedicate more time to help other people in finding the perfect places for their vacations. And that was the moment when our hobby becomes a mission!
Why we love so much love to travel?
We think that everyone should see the world from a different perspective and to break out its comfort zone. We are sure that every trip (regardless of the destination) can enrich you spiritually and gives you irreplaceable emotions! And if you have a nice life but something is missing, probably you need to travel more. That is why we love trips – they inspire us, make our lives fulfilled and show us that the world is incredible. You just have to see it!
What you will find in theplacetostay.co.uk?
By reading our articles, you will get lots of interesting information divided into several categories:
- Croatia Holidays
- Bulgaria Holidays
- Macedonia Holidays
- Romania Holidays
- Slovenia Holidays
- Montenegro Holidays
- Family Advices
- Home Services
- Other Posts
Each category contains interesting articles about the respective destination – location, weather conditions, attractive resorts, landmarks, local customs and traditions etc. Together with that, you will find many great tips and guidelines about how to travel better, safety and longer. Except this, you will make sure that your travel doesn’t have to be expensive to be fulfilling!
To be our blog really varied and maximum interesting to our readers, we created two special categories that are bit aside from the usual topics related to tourism – see “Family advices” and “Home services”!
If you want to get new ideas about your home (decoration, furnishing, maintenance or cleaning), or to learn something interesting you have never knew, these two sections will provide you with the information you need!
And finally, we would like point out that in Family advices you can see many tested tricks and proven tips related to every family trip, especially if you travel with small kids, or even pets J!
Thanks for reading!